克利夫兰警方将保护儿童的“不足”评为“不足”,尤其是在网上剥削案件中。 Cleveland Police rated "inadequate" for protecting children, especially in online exploitation cases.
克利夫兰警方在保护儿童方面被评为“不足”,特别是在网上剥削和失踪儿童的案件中。 Cleveland Police has been rated "inadequate" in protecting children, especially in cases of online exploitation and missing children. HMICFRS报告批评这支力量缺乏训练有素的军官,而且缺乏一贯的风险识别。 The HMICFRS report criticizes the force for insufficient trained officers and a lack of consistent risk recognition. 助理警察局长Richard Baker承认存在这些问题,并确认已作出重大改进,包括对警官进行更多培训。 Assistant Chief Constable Richard Baker acknowledges the issues and confirms that significant improvements have been made, including additional training for officers.