金县治安官办公室要求根据 OLEO 的建议修改使用武力通知的做法。 King County Sheriff's Office requested to revise use-of-force notification practices following OLEO's recommendations.
金县治安官办公室已被OLEO要求修改其向家庭、媒体和公众通报警察使用武力导致死亡或重伤事件的做法。 King County Sheriff's Office has been asked by OLEO to revise its practices in notifying families, media, and the public on police use-of-force incidents leading to death or serious injury. 7月的一份报告载有7项建议,旨在提高透明度、一致性和了解创伤情况的做法。 A July report contains seven recommendations aimed at transparency, consistency, and trauma-informed practices. 该办公室目前正在审查各项提案,其中包括设立一个家庭参与小组,与社区团体建立伙伴关系,澄清家庭联络作用,在线公布独立调查小组的协议。 The office is currently reviewing the proposals which include creating a family engagement team, partnerships with community orgs, clarifying family liaison roles, and publishing protocols of independent investigation teams online.