孟买高等法院命令委员会在孟买逐步淘汰柴油和汽油车辆,以提高空气质量。 Bombay High Court orders committee to phase out diesel, petrol vehicles in Mumbai to improve air quality.
孟买高等法院已命令马哈拉施特拉邦政府在两周内成立一个委员会,评估孟买柴油和汽油车辆的淘汰情况, The Bombay High Court has ordered the Maharashtra government to form a committee within two weeks to assess phasing out diesel and petrol vehicles in Mumbai, allowing only CNG and electric vehicles. 此举旨在解决该城市空气质量差的问题,三个月后应提交报告。 This move aims to tackle the city's poor air quality, with a report due in three months. 此外,法院还指示面包店在六个月内改用绿色燃料,禁止为使用木材或煤炭者发放新的许可证。 Additionally, the court directed bakeries to switch to green fuels within six months, barring new licenses for those using wood or coal.