美国称极右翼团体“恐怖集团”为恐怖组织,实施制裁。 U.S. labels extreme right-wing group "Terrorgram" a terrorist organization, imposing sanctions.
美国将极端右翼网络组织称为恐怖组织“Terrogram”, 以该组织及其三名领导人为攻击目标, The U.S. has labeled the extreme right-wing online group "Terrorgram" a terrorist organization, targeting it and three of its leaders with sanctions due to their promotion of violent white supremacy. 恐怖集团主要在电报上运作,与斯洛伐克、新泽西和土耳其的袭击有关。 Operating mainly on Telegram, Terrorgram has been tied to attacks in Slovakia, New Jersey, and Turkey. 制裁冻结其美国资产,禁止美国人与该集团进行交易。 Sanctions freeze its U.S. assets and bar Americans from transactions with the group. 美国致力于打击以种族为动机的暴力极端主义。 The U.S. is committed to countering racially motivated violent extremism.