田纳西州议会大厦提议改变学校图书馆的图书清除流程,重点关注年龄适宜性和内容适宜性。 Tennessee Statehouse proposes changes to school library book removal process, focusing on age-appropriateness and content suitability.
田纳西州共和党控制的州议会提议改变学校图书馆图书下架流程,重点关注适龄性和适宜性。 Tennessee's Republican-controlled Statehouse proposes changes to the process of book removal from school libraries, focusing on age-appropriateness and suitability. 该法案重新定义了“合适”的材料,以排除裸露、性内容、暴力或攻击性材料,并要求当地学校董事会在 60 天内对投诉进行审查并做出决定。 The bill redefines "suitable" materials to exclude nudity, sexual content, violence, or offensive materials, and requires local school boards to review and decide on complaints within 60 days. 批评者认为,这些定义可能会给以前无害的材料带来挑战。 Critics argue the definitions could lead to challenges for previously innocuous materials. 参议院批准了这项立法,该法案必须再次获得众议院的批准,然后才能提交州长比尔·李的办公桌以获得最终批准。 The Senate approved the legislation, which must clear the House once more before heading to Governor Bill Lee's desk for final approval.