少年儿子被控在Cypress家中多次刺伤母亲;她住院,他被拘留。 Teenage son accused of stabbing mother multiple times in Cypress home; she's hospitalized, he's detained.
一名18岁的儿子被控周二上午在德克萨斯州哈里斯县Cypress的家中多次刺杀他的母亲。 An 18-year-old son is accused of stabbing his mother multiple times at their home in Cypress, Harris County, Texas, on Tuesday morning. 该妇女因身体状况尚不明朗而住院,该青少年被拘留。 The woman was hospitalized with her condition not yet clear, and the teenager has been detained. 哈里斯郡治安官办公室正在调查这起事件,预计随着更多细节的出现,会提供最新消息。 Harris County Sheriff's Office is investigating the incident, with updates expected as more details emerge.