研究发现服用某些药物的COPD患者患落和受伤的风险更高. Study finds COPD patients on certain drugs have a higher risk of falls and injuries.
一项在"慢性阻塞性肺病"上发表的新研究发现, 服用常见降落风险增加药物的COPD患者的跌倒和受伤的可能性更高. A new study in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases found that COPD patients taking common fall-risk increasing drugs have a higher likelihood of falls and injuries. 在8204名患有COPD的成年人中,有65%被处方这种药物,30%受伤. Among 8,204 adults with COPD, 65% were prescribed such drugs, and 30% experienced a fall with injury. 这项研究建议保健提供者和病人之间开展协作,旨在制定降低风险和改善生活质量的战略。 The study, recommending collaboration between healthcare providers and patients, aims to develop strategies to reduce fall risk and improve quality of life.