韩国开发了L-SAM II导弹防御系统,以加强针对北朝鲜威胁的保护。 South Korea develops L-SAM II missile defense system to enhance protection against North Korean threats.
韩国正在开发先进的导弹防御系统L-SAM II,以便更好地防范北朝鲜的威胁。 South Korea is developing an advanced missile defense system, L-SAM II, to better protect against North Korean threats. 3.88亿美元的项目旨在扩大导弹的覆盖范围,使其覆盖面比现有系统扩大3至4倍,在高空进行拦截。 The $388 million project aims to expand missile coverage three to four times more than the current system, with intercept capabilities at higher altitudes. L-SAM II是韩国多层次导弹防御战略的一部分,加强了对核和导弹威胁的安全。 Expected to be completed by 2028, L-SAM II is part of South Korea's multi-layered missile defense strategy, enhancing its security against nuclear and missile threats.