在教育质量问题中,南非2024年初中生通过率创下了87.3%的纪录. South Africa's 2024 matric class sets a record pass rate of 87.3%, amid education quality concerns.
南非的2024年学生班达到创纪录的87.3%的通过率,高于2023年的82.9%。 South Africa's 2024 matric class achieved a record 87.3% pass rate, up from 82.9% in 2023. 西里尔·拉马福萨总统赞扬了这一结果,但批评者指出辍学率很高,对教育质量表示关切。 President Cyril Ramaphosa praised the results, though critics noted high dropout rates and concerns over the quality of education. 数学的及格率提高到69.1%,而物理科学略微下降至75.6%。 The pass rate for mathematics improved to 69.1%, while physical science saw a slight decline to 75.6%. 就读数学和物理科学课程的学生人数也较少。 There were also fewer students enrolling in mathematics and physical science. 尽管取得了这些成就,但一些反对党和工会认为,结果不能充分反映教育系统的状况。 Despite the achievements, some opposition parties and unions argue that the results do not fully reflect the state of the education system.