Seguin警方警告说,当地连环杀手的谣言是虚假的,是误导骗局的一部分。 Seguin police warn that rumors of a local serial killer are false and part of a misinformation scam.
Seguin警察局警告公众, 最近有关该地区连环杀手的谣言是虚假的, The Seguin Police Department is warning the public that recent rumors about a serial killer in the area are false and part of a scam to spread misinformation. 该国其他地区也出现了类似的虚假职位。 Similar false posts have appeared in other parts of the country. 当局建议公民报告任何此类职位,以帮助阻止这些虚假主张的传播。 Authorities advise citizens to report any such posts to help stop the spread of these false claims.