来自Ladysmith的皇家骑警队军官被控性侵犯和威胁,准备出庭。 RCMP officer from Ladysmith charged with sexual assault and uttering threats, set to appear in court.
来自Ladysmith的皇家骑警Jason Elias Sammoun警官被指控犯有两起性攻击罪和一起威胁言论罪。 An RCMP officer from Ladysmith, Constable Jason Elias Sammoun, has been charged with two counts of sexual assault and one count of uttering threats. 这些事件发生在4月1日,在Nanaimo发生性攻击,在维多利亚发生威胁事件。 The incidents occurred on April 1, with the sexual assaults in Nanaimo and the threat incident in Victoria. Sammoun被停薪停职,加拿大皇家骑警行为守则调查正在进行之中。 Sammoun is suspended with pay, and an RCMP code of conduct investigation is ongoing. 他定于1月30日到纳尼莫省法院出庭。 He is set to appear in Nanaimo provincial court on January 30.