Rajasthan高等法院为因医疗原因被监禁的“Godman”Asaram提供临时保释,直到3月31日。 Rajasthan High Court grants interim bail to jailed 'godman' Asaram for medical reasons until March 31.
拉贾斯坦邦高等法院准许自封的教士Asaram获得临时保释,直至3月31日,允许他因医疗原因暂时获释。 The Rajasthan High Court has granted interim bail to self-styled godman Asaram until March 31, allowing him temporary release for medical reasons. 2013年因强奸未成年人而服无期徒刑的Asaram以前在类似条件下被最高法院准予保释。 Asaram, serving a life sentence for raping a minor in 2013, was previously granted bail by the Supreme Court under similar conditions. 高等法院的裁决包括以下条款:Asaram不能满足其追随者的要求,如果他到Jodhpur以外的地方旅行,则必须支付随行执法人员的费用。 The High Court's decision includes terms that Asaram cannot meet his followers and must cover expenses for accompanying law enforcement if he travels outside Jodhpur.