2001年街头抗议案件:AAP领导人Sanjay Singh投降,在北方邦获得保释。 2001 street protest case: AAP leader Sanjay Singh surrenders, granted bail in Uttar Pradesh.
AAP领导人Sanjay Singh向北方邦的一个特别法庭自首,在2001年的街头抗议案件中获准保释,被控阻碍交通和煽动暴力。 AAP leader Sanjay Singh surrendered to a special court in Uttar Pradesh, granted bail in a 2001 street protest case, with charges of obstructing traffic & inciting violence. Allahabad高等法院此前暂停执行Sultanpur法院的判决,判处Singh三个月的严厉监禁和罚款。 The Allahabad High Court previously stayed the execution of the Sultanpur court's sentence, which sentenced Singh to 3 months rigorous imprisonment & a fine.