巴基斯坦和孟加拉国签署协议,促进巴基斯坦向孟加拉国出口大米。 Pakistan and Bangladesh sign agreement to boost rice exports from Pakistan to Bangladesh.
1月14日, 巴基斯坦与孟加拉国签署了谅解备忘录, 便利巴基斯坦向孟加拉国出口阿塔普(腐烂)稻米。 On January 14th, Pakistan and Bangladesh signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to facilitate the export of atap (parboiled) rice from Pakistan to Bangladesh. 两国官员签署的协定旨在稳定国内大米市场,加强两国之间的经济联系。 The agreement, signed by officials from both countries, aims to stabilize the domestic rice market and enhance economic ties between the nations. 签署仪式在达卡举行,双方高级别代表出席了仪式。 The signing ceremony took place in Dhaka, with high-level representatives from both sides in attendance.