NPR发现沃尔玛的价格自2019年以来上涨了25%,反映了更广泛的美国通胀趋势。 NPR finds Walmart prices up 25% since 2019, mirroring broader U.S. inflation trends.
NPR跟踪了六年来96件沃尔玛产品的价格,发现自2019年年中以来上涨了25%,与美国总体价格涨幅相符。 NPR tracked the prices of 96 Walmart items over six years, finding a 25% increase since mid-2019, matching overall U.S. price hikes. 12月,21件物品更便宜,27件更贵,总通货膨胀率为2.7%。 In December, 21 items were cheaper, and 27 were more expensive, with overall inflation at 2.7%. 价格上涨是由于公用事业、保险、劳工和运输费用上涨,受到全球供应链中断和这一流行病的影响。 Price increases are attributed to higher costs in utilities, insurance, labor, and transportation, impacted by global supply chain disruptions and the pandemic.