加利福尼亚州长Newsom将签署法律,限制为未成年人提供社交媒体资料,要求父母同意和私人账户,以应对心理健康问题。 California Governor Newsom to sign law limiting social media feeds for minors, requiring parental consent and private accounts, in response to mental health concerns.
加利福尼亚州州长盖文·纽森将签署一项法律,禁止社交媒体平台在未经父母同意的情况下向未成年人提供上性内容,该法律将于2027年生效. California Governor Gavin Newsom will sign a law prohibiting social media platforms from providing addictive feeds to minors without parental consent, effective in 2027. 立法限制在深夜和上课时间通知未成年人,要求儿童账户在违约时为私人账户。 The legislation restricts notifications to minors during late-night and school hours and requires children's accounts to be private by default. 这一行动遵循纽约和犹他州类似的法律,回应了人们对社交媒体对儿童心理健康和福祉的影响的日益关切。 This move follows similar laws in New York and Utah, responding to growing concerns about social media's impact on children's mental health and well-being.