在杰斐逊教区的医疗呼叫中逃离副警员后,一名男子死亡;死亡原因正在调查中. Man dies after fleeing deputies during a medical call in Jefferson Parish; cause of death under investigation.
杰斐逊教区的警察和急救人员在星期一早上响应了医疗紧急情况. Jefferson Parish deputies and EMS responded to a medical emergency call early Monday. 在对这名男子进行评估之后,有人叫了一辆救护车,但他逃跑了。 After evaluating the man, an ambulance was called, but he fled. 议员发现他,给他戴上手铐,并护送他回去,但他倒下,后来死在医院。 Deputies found him, handcuffed him, and escorted him back, but he collapsed and later died at the hospital. 杰佛逊教区验尸官办公室将进行尸体解剖以确定死因。 The Jefferson Parish Coroner's Office will perform an autopsy to determine the cause of death. 没有进一步的详细资料。 No additional details are available.