Madonna支持洛杉矶的野火受害者, Madonna supports wildfire victims in Los Angeles, her home for 40 years, sharing empathy and prayers online.
Pop 图标 Madonna 表示支持受洛杉矶野火影响的人, 她在那里居住了40年。 Pop icon Madonna has shown support for those affected by the wildfires in Los Angeles, where she lived for 40 years. 在她的Instagram Story上,她分享了一段关于破坏的录像,并对失去家园的人表示同情。 On her Instagram Story, she shared a video of the destruction and expressed her empathy for those who lost their homes. Madonna赞扬社区团结一致互相帮助, 称洛杉矶为“天使之城”, 并向那些因火灾而流离失所的人祈祷。 Madonna praised the community's unity in helping each other, calling Los Angeles the "City of Angels" and sending her prayers to those displaced by the fires.