Lexaria的口服脱氧乙酸乙酯-tirzepatide的副作用比Zepbound少,其效力相似。 Lexaria's oral DehydraTECH-tirzepatide shows fewer side effects than Zepbound, with similar efficacy.
莱克萨里生物科学组织报告说,它的口服脱水TECH-tirzepatide的副作用小于注射的Zepbound药,不良事件减少47%,肠胃问题减少54%。 Lexaria Bioscience has reported that its oral version of DehydraTECH-tirzepatide had fewer side effects than the injected drug Zepbound®, with a 47% reduction in adverse events and a 54% drop in gastrointestinal issues. 口服药物在降低血糖和增加胰岛素水平方面也保持了类似的效力。 The oral drug also maintained similar effectiveness in lowering blood glucose and increasing insulin levels. 这将使口头版本在市场上非常可取。 This could make the oral version highly desirable on the market.