Eli Lilly的tirzepatide药物在三年内将肥胖的糖尿病前成人的2型糖尿病风险大幅降低94%,并持续减肥。 Eli Lilly's tirzepatide drug significantly reduced type 2 diabetes risk by 94% in obese prediabetic adults over three years, with sustained weight loss.
根据长期试验,Eli Lilly的减肥药物提尔泽帕提德 (以Mounjaro治疗糖尿病和Zepbound治疗减肥药物销售) 在3年内显著降低了2型糖尿病的风险,在患有前期糖尿病,肥胖或超重的成年人中,该药物降低了94%的风险. Eli Lilly's weight loss drug tirzepatide, sold as Mounjaro for diabetes and Zepbound for weight loss, significantly reduced the risk of type 2 diabetes by 94% in adults with prediabetes and obesity or overweight over a three-year period, according to a long-term trial. 研究还报告了治疗期间体重持续下降的情况。 The study also reported sustained weight loss during the treatment period.