因质量问题,国际奥委会将更换100多枚2024年巴黎奥林匹克奖章。 IOC to replace over 100 defective 2024 Paris Olympic medals due to quality issues.
国际奥林匹克委员会(国际奥委会)将以相同的模式取代2024年巴黎奥运会100多枚有缺陷的奖牌。 The International Olympic Committee (IOC) will replace over 100 defective medals from the 2024 Paris Olympics with identical models. 法国国家铸币厂 Monnaie de Paris 负责奖牌的生产,并正在努力了解质量问题,这些问题导致运动员抱怨奖牌质量下降。 The Monnaie de Paris, the French state mint, is responsible for the medals' production and is working to understand the quality issues, which led to complaints from athletes about deteriorating awards. 替换过程将很快开始。 The replacement process will begin soon.