印度外交部长强调与西班牙及欧盟在访问中加强联系的计划。 India's foreign minister highlights plans to boost ties with Spain and EU on visit.
印度外交部长S. Jaishankar强调了印度日益增长的全球影响力,以及印度在访问西班牙期间为加强同西班牙和欧洲联盟的联系所作的努力。 India's External Affairs Minister, S. Jaishankar, underscored India's growing global influence and its efforts to bolster ties with Spain and the European Union during a visit to Spain. 他强调了印度在国际论坛中的作用及其在该流行病期间所作的贡献。 He emphasized India's role in international forums and its contributions during the pandemic. Jaishankar还讨论了加强国防和安全合作的计划,并强调了扩大贸易和文化交流的努力,其目的是将2026年定为文化、旅游和大赦国际的一年。 Jaishankar also discussed plans to strengthen defense and security cooperation and highlighted efforts to expand trade and cultural exchanges, aiming to designate 2026 as a year of culture, tourism, and AI.