休斯敦的学校承认未经校董会批准就花费数百万元, Houston schools admit to spending millions without board approval, citing a "good-faith error."
休斯顿独立学校区(HISD)承认未经校董会批准支出数百万元, The Houston Independent School District (HISD) admitted to spending millions without board approval, a "good-faith error" spanning from August 2023 to December 2024. 迈克·迈尔斯警长将这一问题归咎于对批准要求的误解,并宣布为防止今后出现错误而作出修改,包括雇用一名监督律师和进行季度审计。 Superintendent Mike Miles attributed the issue to a misunderstanding about approval requirements and announced changes to prevent future errors, including hiring an attorney for oversight and conducting quarterly audits. 没有违反任何法律,也没有雇员受到纪律处分。 No laws were broken, and no employees have been disciplined.