由于对局长迈克·迈尔斯缺乏信任, 39%的人支持休斯顿市政府的44亿美元债券提案. 39% support for Houston ISD's $4.4B bond proposal due to lack of trust in superintendent Mike Miles.
得克萨斯州教师支持投票联合会的民意测验显示,只有39%的休斯顿ISD选民支持44亿美元的债券提案,这主要是因为对州任命的主管迈克·迈尔斯缺乏信任。 A Texas Federation of Teachers-backed poll has revealed that only 39% of voters in Houston ISD support the $4.4 billion bond proposal, primarily due to lack of trust in the state-appointed superintendent, Mike Miles. 民意调查发现,77%的选民不信任迈尔斯管理HISD基金,58%的人认为他腐败。 The poll found that 77% of voters do not trust Miles to manage HISD funds, and 58% consider him corrupt. 尽管如此,债券提案旨在加强该区的基础设施,将成为得克萨斯历史上最大的学校债券,为183 000多名学生服务。 Despite this, the bond proposal aims to enhance the district's infrastructure and would be the largest school bond in Texas history, serving over 183,000 students. 有人对可能增加的税收和保证金的实际费用表示关切。 Concerns have been raised about potential tax increases and the true cost of the bond.