Horry县调查身份不明的男子在房屋中死亡的情况,发现有闯入和棚户区活动的迹象。 Horry County investigates death of unidentified man in house showing signs of break-in and squatter activity.
在南卡罗来纳州Horry县,警方正在调查一名男子在一所房屋中被发现的死亡事件,该房屋内有强行进入和擅自占地的迹象。 In Horry County, South Carolina, police are investigating the death of a man found in a house with signs of forced entry and squatters. 尸体是在火灾警报响数小时后被发现的。 The body was discovered after fire alarms sounded for hours. 该房屋有吸毒和饮酒的迹象。 The house showed signs of drug use and alcohol consumption. 受害者的身份不明,刑事调查司正在处理此案。 The victim's identity is unknown, and the Criminal Investigation Division is handling the case.