前警察医生Suzanne Lucey博士否认跟踪劳动党议员Emily Thornberry在5月面临审判。 Former police doctor Dr. Suzanne Lucey denies stalking Labour MP Emily Thornberry, faces trial in May.
前大都会警察医生Suzanne Lucey博士否认在近两年时间里跟踪劳工议员Emily Thornberry。 Dr. Suzanne Lucey, a former Metropolitan Police doctor, denies stalking Labour MP Emily Thornberry over nearly two years. Lucey被指控多次访问Thornberry的办公室,给工作人员发电子邮件,并发表攻击性言论。 Lucey is accused of repeatedly visiting Thornberry's offices, emailing her staff, and making aggressive statements. 她在参加工党会议之后于9月被捕。 She was arrested in September after attending a Labour Party conference. 这一引人注目的案件将由一名高等法院法官审判,审判定于5月6日在Southwark刑事法院进行。 The high-profile case will be tried by a high court judge, with the trial set for May 6 at Southwark Crown Court.