家庭报告假警察在没人接门后砍掉了车胎。 Family reports fake police officers slashed their car tire after no one answered the door.
在印第安纳州圣约瑟夫县,一对自称是警察的夫妇走近他们在埃尔德路的家,按了门铃,并在没有得到回应后划破了他们汽车上的轮胎,这让一个家庭感到震惊。 In St. Joseph County, Indiana, a family was shocked when a couple claiming to be police officers approached their home on Elder Road, rang the doorbell, and slashed a tire on their car after receiving no answer. 当地警察正在调查这一事件,圣约瑟夫县检察官办公室指出,冒充警官是一项重罪,可判处两年半监禁。 The incident is under investigation by local police, and the St. Joseph County Prosecutor's Office noted that impersonating an officer is a felony, carrying up to two and a half years in prison. 家人正在敦促社区保持警惕。 The family is urging the community to stay vigilant.