环保倡导者警告说,Parkinson在旧IBM工地附近可能面临未处理的TCE污染风险。 Environmental advocate warns of Parkinson's risk from unaddressed TCE contamination near old IBM site.
IBM-Endicott老站点的污染, 特别是三氯乙烯(TCE), 可能会增加附近居民及前工人患帕金森病的风险。 Walter Hang, head of Toxics Targeting, warns that pollution from the old IBM-Endicott site, particularly Trichloroethylene (TCE), may increase the risk of Parkinson's disease for nearby residents and former workers. 尽管45年前已查明污染,但污染仍未得到解决。 Despite the contamination being identified 45 years ago, it remains unaddressed. Hang呼吁纽约州长Kathy Hochul采取行动, 并发起「帕金森预防运动」, Hang is calling for New York Governor Kathy Hochul to take action and has launched a "Parkinson's Prevention Campaign" to inform those potentially exposed to TCE.