美国环保局因未出生婴儿的健康风险而暂停使用DCPA杀虫剂,这可能导致永久禁止。 US EPA suspends DCPA pesticide use due to health risks for unborn babies, which may lead to a permanent ban.
美国环保局已暂停使用DCPA(Dacthal),这是一种在农业和非农业环境中使用的杀虫剂,因为胎儿的健康风险很大。 The US EPA has suspended the use of DCPA (Dacthal), a pesticide used in agriculture and non-agricultural settings, due to significant health risks to unborn babies. DCPA与胎儿甲状腺激素水平的变化有关,这可能导致出生体重不足、大脑发育受损、智商下降和运动能力受损。 DCPA is linked to changes in fetal thyroid hormone levels, potentially resulting in low birth weight, impaired brain development, decreased IQ, and impaired motor skills. 这标志着美国环保局在近40年中首次利用其紧急暂停权力。 This marks the first time the EPA has used its emergency suspension authority in nearly four decades. 该机构计划发出意向通知,打算在今后90天内取消DCPA产品,这可能导致永久禁止农药。 The agency plans to issue a notice of intent to cancel DCPA products within the next 90 days, potentially leading to a permanent ban on the pesticide.