EET燃料公司保证了350万美元,共计1B美元,将英国斯坦洛炼油厂转化为低碳中心。 EET Fuels secures $350M, totaling $1B, to transform UK's Stanlow refinery into a low-carbon hub.
拥有英国斯坦洛炼油厂的EET燃料公司获得了3.5亿美元的融资,使资金总额达到10亿美元。 EET Fuels, which owns the Stanlow refinery in the UK, secured $350 million in financing, bringing total funds to $1 billion. 该公司计划将 Stanlow 变成一个低碳枢纽, 目的是减少95%的排放量。 The company plans to transform Stanlow into a low-carbon hub, aiming for a 95% reduction in emissions. 融资包括非洲进出口银行一个1.5亿美元的融资机制和增加的贸易信贷融资机制。 The financing includes a $150 million facility with the African Export-Import Bank and an increased trade credit facility. 这支持EET燃料公司在碳捕获和氢生产方面的目标。 This supports EET Fuels' goals for carbon capture and hydrogen production.