联合王国第一家大型低碳氢电厂,设于Cheshire,旨在排减二氧化碳排放量。 UK's first large-scale low carbon hydrogen plant set to be built in Cheshire, aiming to slash CO2 emissions.
Essar能源过渡(EET)氢气和ENKA签署了一项在Cheshire建造联合王国第一个大型低碳氢电厂的合同,目的是减少相当于从公路上清除250 000辆汽车的二氧化碳排放量。 Essar Energy Transition (EET) Hydrogen and ENKA have signed a contract to build the UK's first large-scale low carbon hydrogen plant in Cheshire, aiming to reduce CO2 emissions equivalent to removing 250,000 cars from the road. 在联合王国政府的资助下,该项目是HyNet集群的一部分,支持EET氢氢为西北工业企业开发4GW低碳氢的目标。 Funded by the UK government, the project is part of the HyNet Cluster and supports EET Hydrogen's goal to develop 4GW of low carbon hydrogen for North West industrial businesses.