不列颠哥伦比亚省公园开始接受2025年春季的预订,增加了60个新的营地。 British Columbia Parks starts accepting bookings for spring 2025, adding 60 new campsites.
不列颠哥伦比亚省公园现已接受2025年春季露营季节的预订,允许提前四个月预订。 British Columbia Parks is now accepting reservations for the 2025 spring camping season, allowing bookings up to four months in advance. 1月13日开放5月长周末订房, 三个公园新增了60个营地, The May long weekend reservations opened on January 13, with 60 new campsites added across three parks. Fintry公园和Rolley湖公园保留地于1月15日开始为5月15日抵达者开放, Fintry Park and Rolley Lake Park reservations opened on January 15 for May 15 arrivals, but China Beach Campground reservations will open later. Golden Ears Park的订位因暴风雨破坏而延迟。 Golden Ears Park reservations are delayed due to storm damage. 自2017年以来,新增了2 000多个营地,10 700个营地中有一半是先到先得的。 Over 2,000 new campsites have been added since 2017, with half of the 10,700 campsites available on a first-come, first-served basis.