爱尔兰银行在2024年圣诞节期间看到创纪录的数字登录记录、生物鉴别技术使用激增。 Bank of Ireland sees record digital logins, biometric use surges during 2024 Christmas period.
爱尔兰银行报告说,在2024年圣诞节期间,数字银行使用量猛增,12月19日的登录量近160万次,超过了以往的假日高峰。 Bank of Ireland reported a surge in digital banking usage during the 2024 Christmas period, with nearly 1.6 million logins on December 19th, exceeding previous holiday highs. 生物测定记录上升45%,无接触交易增加2%,自动取款机使用率下降12%。 Biometric logins rose by 45% and contactless transactions increased by 2%, while ATM usage dropped by 12%. 银行将这一趋势归因于数字服务的速度和方便性,并计划进一步增强这些服务。 The bank attributes this trend to the speed and convenience of digital services and plans to enhance these offerings further.