爱尔兰的付款欺诈在2023年上升了26%,共计1.26亿欧元,信用卡支付受到打击最大。 Payment fraud in Ireland rose 26% in 2023, totaling €126 million, with card payments most hit.
爱尔兰的付款欺诈在2023年猛增26%,共计1.26亿欧元,高于2022年的1亿欧元。 Payment fraud in Ireland surged by 26% in 2023, totaling €126 million, up from €100 million in 2022. 信用卡付款和信贷转账受影响最大,欺诈者常常利用被盗信息或说服付款人进行未经授权的交易。 Card payments and credit transfers were the most affected, with fraudsters often using stolen information or convincing payers to make unauthorized transactions. 尽管爱尔兰的欺诈率上升,但除了支付卡片外,其欺诈率低于欧盟平均水平。 Despite the increase, Ireland's fraud rates are below EU averages except for card payments. 爱尔兰中央银行警告说,欺诈者正在寻找利用数字系统的新方法,这对消费者和企业构成重大风险。 The Central Bank of Ireland warns that fraudsters are finding new ways to exploit digital systems, posing a significant risk to consumers and businesses.