美元加强了强势后就业报告,影响到全球货币市场。 US dollar strengthens post-strong jobs report, affecting global currency markets.
美元在美国就业报告强劲后升值,降低了对削减利率的预期。 The US dollar gained strength after a strong US jobs report, reducing expectations for rate cuts. 现在重点转向美国通货膨胀报告,结果较为软化,有可能扭转市场趋势。 The focus now shifts to the US inflation report, with a softer outcome potentially reversing market trends. 加拿大元因美元坚挺而面临压力,但油价上涨可能限制其下跌。 The Canadian dollar faced pressure due to US Dollar strength, but higher oil prices may limit its decline. 即将到来的美国经济数据,包括消费物价指数和消费物价指数报告,将影响货币对口汇率的变动。 Upcoming US economic data, including PPI and CPI reports, will influence currency pair movements.