英国司机报告被明亮的LED头灯蒙上眼睛,促使政府进行研究。 UK drivers report being blinded by bright LED headlights, prompting government research.
英国司机抱怨现代LED头灯太亮, 调查显示每10名司机中有9名司机认为有些前灯太亮。 UK drivers are complaining that modern LED headlights are too bright, with surveys showing nine in ten drivers believe some headlights are too intense. AA报告说,75%的司机被即将到来的车灯蒙瞎了眼。 The AA reports that 75% of drivers have been blinded by oncoming headlights. 尽管有这些担忧, 交通部表示, 没有明确的趋势 将更亮的灯光与更多的碰撞联系起来。 Despite these concerns, the Department for Transport says there's no clear trend linking brighter headlights to more collisions. 政府正资助预计于2025年夏天进行的关于头灯镜的研究,以更好地了解这一问题并制定解决办法。 The government is funding research on headlight glare, expected in summer 2025, to better understand the issue and develop solutions.