由于日益增长的担忧和请愿书,英国政府启动了关于车头灯眩光的独立研究。 UK government launches independent study on headlight glare due to growing concerns and a petition.
由于人们越来越担心司机被强光眩晕,英国政府启动了一项针对车头灯眩光的独立研究。 The UK government has launched an independent study into headlight glare amid growing concerns about drivers being dazzled by bright lights. 这项研究是对一份拥有 10,000 多个签名的请愿书的回应,该请愿书敦促政府启动审查以寻找解决方案。 The research is a response to a petition with over 10,000 signatures, urging the government to launch a review to find solutions. RAC 最近委托进行的一项调查显示,85% 受车头灯眩光影响的驾驶员认为问题正在变得更严重,其中 89% 的人认为某些汽车车头灯太亮。 A recent survey commissioned by the RAC revealed that 85% of drivers affected by headlight glare believe the problem is getting worse, with 89% thinking some car headlights are too bright.