土耳其当局以资助恐怖主义的罪名逮捕市长和Mersin的理事会成员。 Turkish authorities arrest mayor and council members from Mersin on terrorism financing charges.
土耳其当局以恐怖主义指控逮捕了Hosyar Sariyildiz市长和Mersin省Akdeniz区的四名理事会成员。 Turkish authorities have arrested Mayor Hosyar Sariyildiz and four council members from the Akdeniz district of Mersin province on terrorism charges. 他们被指控违反关于资助恐怖主义和公共集会的法律。 They are accused of violating laws on terrorism financing and public assembly. 内务部任命Zeyit Sener为代理市长。 The Interior Ministry appointed Zeyit Sener as the acting mayor. 支持库尔德民主党的民主党否认这些指控,声称这些指控是出于政治动机。 The pro-Kurdish DEM Party denies the allegations, stating they are politically motivated. 库尔德工人党被土耳其、美国和欧盟定为恐怖主义集团,40年来一直与土耳其进行武装冲突。 The PKK, designated as a terrorist group by Turkey, the U.S., and the EU, has been engaged in armed conflict with Turkey for four decades.