被控加入库尔德工人党的6名伦敦居民在联合王国被禁止为恐怖分子。 Six London residents charged with PKK membership, a group banned as terrorist in the UK.
在伦敦的6个人被指控为库尔德工人党成员,库尔德工人党是一个被取缔的库尔德激进团体。 Six individuals in London have been charged for alleged membership in the PKK, a banned Kurdish militant group. 嫌犯年龄23至62岁,于11月27日被捕,准备出庭。 The suspects, aged 23 to 62, were arrested on November 27 and are set to appear in court. 库尔德工人党从土耳其寻求一个独立的库尔德斯坦,在联合王国被指定为恐怖组织。 The PKK, which seeks an independent Kurdistan from Turkey, is designated as a terrorist organization in the UK. 警方保证继续与当地的库尔德社区保持接触。 Police assured continued engagement with the local Kurdish community.