偷来的汽车撞入纽瓦克的圣约翰AM教堂,造成两人受伤,并造成结构性损坏。 Stolen car crashes into St. John AM Church in Newark, injuring two and causing structural damage.
一辆偷来的汽车坠毁在特拉华州纽瓦克的圣约翰AM教堂,星期一上午有两名乘客受伤。 A stolen car crashed into St. John AM Church in Newark, Delaware, injuring two occupants on Monday morning. 这是教会在一年之内第二次被击中,前一次事件发生在2024年8月。 This is the second time the church has been hit within a year, with the previous incident occurring in August 2024. 坠机造成结构性损坏,调查仍在进行中。 The crash caused structural damage, and the investigation is ongoing. 司机逃离现场,但警方尚未宣布是否提出指控。 The driver fled the scene, and police have not yet announced if charges will be filed.