超速行驶的汽车撞上特拉华州纽瓦克的圣约翰AM教堂,逃跑的司机正在寻找。 Speeding car crashes into St. John AM Church in Newark, Delaware, fleeing driver sought.
周五清晨在特拉华州纽瓦克,一辆超速汽车撞毁圣约翰AM教堂,严重损坏了大楼。 Early Friday morning in Newark, Delaware, a speeding car crashed into St. John AM Church, heavily damaging the building. 司机在警察到达之前逃离现场。 The driver fled the scene before police arrived. 教堂的礼拜日仪式仍将继续举行,但在建筑物中另一处不受影响的地方举行。 The church's Sunday services will still be held, but in a different, unaffected part of the building. 尽管以前设置了路障,但这不是教会第一次被车辆击中。 This is not the first time the church has been hit by a vehicle, despite previous barriers set up. 警方正在寻找关于坠机或驾驶员的信息。 Police are seeking information about the crash or driver.