北朝鲜在持续紧张的情况下,向南朝鲜发射40个填满垃圾的气球,向南朝鲜进行宣传。 North Korea launches 40 trash-filled balloons with propaganda into South Korea in ongoing tensions.
北朝鲜向南朝鲜发射了大约40个装满垃圾的气球,这是自5月下旬以来一系列32起此类事件的最新一次。 North Korea has launched about 40 trash-filled balloons into South Korea, the latest in a series of 32 such incidents since late May. 充斥反南韩宣传的气球大多登陆首尔地区。 The balloons, containing anti-South Korean propaganda, mostly landed in the Seoul area. 这一行动被视为对南朝鲜活动家向北朝鲜发送反朝传单和其他物品的报复。 This action is seen as retaliation for South Korean activists sending anti-North Korean leaflets and other items into North Korea. 南朝鲜官员称该行为是基地行为,很危险,但誓言做出平静的反应。 South Korean officials described the act as base and dangerous but vowed a calm response.