南非委员会建议采取措施促进农产品市场的竞争,帮助小农户。 South African commission recommends fixes to boost competition in produce market, aid small farmers.
南非竞争委员会发表了一份报告,强调新鲜产品市场中的问题,包括高度依赖进口农业投入和小农户面临的障碍。 The South African Competition Commission has released a report highlighting issues in the fresh produce market, including high reliance on imported agricultural inputs and barriers for small-scale farmers. 报告建议采取31项补救措施,以促进竞争和包容,例如政策改革和支持当地化肥生产。 The report recommends 31 remedies to promote competition and inclusion, such as policy reforms and support for local fertilizer production. 贸易、工业和竞争部长已承诺在议会处理这些关切问题。 The Minister of Trade, Industry, and Competition has pledged to address these concerns in parliament.