SAGA金属公司完成了对拉布拉多项目的分析,查明了关键的钛和矿床。 SAGA Metals completes analyses on its Labrador project, identifying key titanium and vanadium deposits.
SAGA金属公司已完成了对其在加拿大拉布拉多的雷达项目进行的分析,加强了对钛和矿床的了解。 SAGA Metals Corp has completed analyses on its Radar Titanium-Vanadium project in Labrador, Canada, enhancing understanding of titanium and vanadium deposits. 该项目位于Cartwright以南10公里处,从道路进出中受益,今年将看到一个少女钻探方案。 Located 10km south of Cartwright, the project benefits from road access and will see a maiden drill program this year. 分析已绘制出磁铁富集区图,它们是Gabro Norite岩石内矿化的关键指标。 Analyses have mapped magnetite-rich zones, key indicators of mineralization, within the Gabbro Norite rock.