矿产地点文章重点介绍了加拿大的霍顿矿、戴维克矿和图努尼克冲击结构。 Mineral locality article highlights Haughton, Diavik Mine, and Tunnunik impact structures in Canada.
本文讨论了加拿大的几个矿产地:努勒维特德文岛的霍顿撞击构造;西北地区 Lac de Gras 的 Diavik 矿的南矿坑和矿坑;以及西北地区伊努维克地区维多利亚岛的图努尼克撞击结构。 The article discusses several mineral localities in Canada: Haughton impact structure on Devon Island, Nunavut; the South pit and pit of Diavik Mine, Lac de Gras, Northwest Territories; and the Tunnunik impact structure on Victoria Island, Inuvik Region, Northwest Territories. 它敦促读者在访问任何这些地点之前确保获得土地和/或采矿权所有者的许可,并了解必要的安全预防措施。 It urges readers to ensure permission from land and/or mineral rights holders before visiting any of these sites and to be aware of necessary safety precautions.