菲尼克斯空姐Celinda Levno,1989年开业,在丹佛因“无脑犯罪”死亡。 Phoenix flight attendant Celinda Levno, who started in 1989, died in Denver after a "senseless crime."
菲尼克斯的空姐Celinda Levno, 她于1989年开始职业生涯, 于1989年在丹佛停留期间死亡, Phoenix-based flight attendant Celinda Levno, who started her career in 1989, died in Denver during a layover after being involved in a "senseless crime." American Airlines证实了这一事件,地方当局正在对该事件进行调查。 American Airlines confirmed the incident, which is under investigation by local authorities. 航空公司和专业飞行人员协会正在向受影响的机组人员提供支助,并将他们重新安置到丹佛国际机场附近的一家旅馆。 The airline and the Association of Professional Flight Attendants (APFA) are providing support to affected crew members and have relocated them to a hotel near Denver International Airport. 这两个组织都对勒夫诺的家人和同事表示哀悼。 Both organizations expressed condolences to Levno's family and colleagues.