巴基斯坦计划在中国发行熊猫债券以筹集资金,以期实现经济稳定。 Pakistan plans to issue panda bonds in China to raise funds, aiming for economic stabilization.
巴基斯坦财政部长Muhammad Aurangzeb宣布计划发行人民币债券或熊猫债券, Pakistan's Finance Minister Muhammad Aurangzeb announced plans to issue yuan-denominated bonds, or panda bonds, to raise $200-250 million from Chinese investors. 这一行动旨在利用中国的资本市场,支持货币基金作为70亿美元一揽子援助计划的一部分所确定的经济稳定和增长目标。 This move aims to tap into China's capital markets and support economic stabilization and growth targets set by the IMF as part of a $7 billion aid package. 巴基斯坦的税收与国内生产总值的比率在12月增加到10.8%,国家的目标是达到13.5%,以确保可持续的财政状况。 Pakistan's tax-to-GDP ratio increased to 10.8% in December, and the country aims to reach 13.5% to ensure a sustainable fiscal situation. 最近的经济指标显示积极的变化,包括外汇储备和汇款的增加。 Recent economic indicators show positive changes, including increased foreign exchange reserves and remittances.