比利时全国范围的罢工扰乱了旅行,使学校因对养老金改革的担忧而关闭。 Nationwide strike in Belgium disrupts travel, closes schools over pension reform fears.
周一比利时发生全国性罢工,空中和铁路旅行中断,布鲁塞尔机场超过40%的航班被取消,只有三分之一的火车在运行。 A nationwide strike in Belgium on Monday disrupted air and rail travel, with over 40% of flights at Brussels Airport cancelled and only a third of trains operating. 这次由主要工会组织的罢工,抗议政党在政府组建会谈中讨论可能进行的养老金改革。 The strike, organized by major unions, protests potential pension reforms being discussed by parties in government formation talks. 学校也关闭,数万名教师在布鲁塞尔参加反对拟议改革的集会。 Schools were also closed, and tens of thousands of teachers joined a rally in Brussels against the proposed reforms.