美国明尼苏达森林狼队将面对华盛顿奇才队, 在输给孟菲斯后调整阵容. Minnesota Timberwolves face Washington Wizards, adjusting lineup post-loss to Memphis.
明尼苏达森林狼队将于周一对阵华盛顿奇才队,他们的目标是从最近输给孟菲斯的比赛中反弹。 The Minnesota Timberwolves will play the Washington Wizards on Monday, aiming to bounce back from a recent loss to Memphis. 奇才队拥有 NBA 最差的战绩,在防守能量和进攻篮板方面苦苦挣扎。 The Wizards, with the NBA's worst record, struggle with defensive energy and offensive rebounds. 木材狼已经调整了他们的阵容 将退役卫兵迈克·康利 调到长椅上 支持朱利叶斯·兰德尔 The Timberwolves have adjusted their lineup, moving veteran guard Mike Conley to the bench to support Julius Randle. 两支队伍都面临主要挑战: 木材狼需要改进防御, 而巫师则要打破他们的败局。 Both teams face key challenges: the Timberwolves need to improve defense, while the Wizards aim to break their losing streak.