湖人队将在明尼阿波利斯迎战森林狼队,尽管受伤,他们仍寻求连续胜利。 The Lakers face the Timberwolves, seeking back-to-back wins despite injuries, in Minneapolis.
洛杉矶湖人队将在明尼阿波利斯周一面对明尼苏达森林狼队, 寻求在击败犹他爵士队后在两晚内获得第二场胜利. The Los Angeles Lakers will face the Minnesota Timberwolves in Minneapolis on Monday, looking to secure their second win in two nights after defeating the Utah Jazz. 湖人可能因受伤和疲劳而缺少人力, 而森林狼则希望自11月以来首次连胜. The Lakers may be shorthanded due to injuries and fatigue, while the Timberwolves aim for their first back-to-back wins since November. 在上次会议上,湖人队赢得了安东尼·戴维斯36分的得分,夺回了16分的回弹。 In their previous meeting, the Lakers won with Anthony Davis scoring 36 points and grabbing 16 rebounds.